Fleet Management

Drive transformation through
smarter operations

Fleet Management

Driving transformation through smarter operations

As designers and owners of our own platforms, we offer the latest generation products adapted to the most diverse expectations.


As designers and owners of our own platforms, we offer the latest generation products adapted to the most diverse expectations.




Geolocation is a technology that makes it possible to determine the position of an asset (e.g. vehicle, machine, person, etc.) with great precision. It

provides real-time visibility of the fleet, regardless of the positioning of localized assets.
The data is uploaded at frequencies that can be configured as desired, integrating the various status changes: ignition status, current location information, current speed, duration of travel or parking, quality of GPS information.
The Traffic option lets you know the traffic conditions in real time and therefore makes it possible to optimize travel.

Key Benefits
  • Accurate real-time location of assets
  • Securing and protecting assets
  • Viewing activity history
  • Route optimization
  • Cost optimization.
Eco conduite


Geolocation technology
can positively influence the driving behavior of drivers.

The system allows to report anomalies in case of violation of eco-driving rules: sudden acceleration, sudden braking or overspeed. At the same time, an audible signal sounds in the cab to indicate to the driver the violation of one of these rules. By providing quantifiable results on how people drive, the system raises driver awareness, resulting in significant performance improvements, and enables companies to meet certain key performance indicators. Through a rating and reward system, this tool will help your employees adopt a responsible, economical and ecological driving style and reduce the maintenance costs of your fleet.

Key Benefits
  • Driving improvement
  • Compliance with rules of conduct
  • Reduction in the number of accidents
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Reduction of consumption
Gestion du carburant

Fuel Management

Fleet management includes a state-of-the-art real-time fuel management system

generation. This system prevents theft, controls expenses, and significantly reduces operating costs. The devices installed are excellent fuel level indicators, working with unerring accuracy. It is therefore an ideal solution for companies wishing to have an accurate report on the volume of fuel present in the tanks of their vehicles in real time, to reveal improper use of the vehicle, and/or to detect a theft. of product in the equipped tanks.

Key Benefits
  • Drastic reduction in fuel consumption
  • Drastic reduction of resource abuse
  • Improved vehicle utilization
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Drastic reduction in fuel theft

Staff Management

Fleet management systems can help
manage the mobile workforce by tracking employees remotely.

This monitoring ensures the safety of employees during working hours and thus reduces the risk of material and human damage. The system assists in human resources management, including regularizing overtime, managing driver rotations, and providing periodic bonuses to environmentally responsible drivers. The system makes it possible to evaluate agents via driver identification keys and according to various indicators: working time, rest time, driving time, eco-driving score, etc.

Key Benefits
  • Increased employee productivity
  • Regularization of overtime
  • Regularization of timetables
  • Management of driver rotations
  • Route optimization
  • Improved work organization
  • Improved security
Clôture Géographique


The geofencing system allows you to define virtual geographical fences.

It is possible to define these boundaries manually and to list the GPS coordinates of all locations important to the company’s activity. For each site, it is possible to define the size, the shape, the location of the geographical fence and to assign it to a category: delivery site, customer site, construction site, prohibited zone, or any other category. Crucial information is then generated: travel times between points, zone entries and exits for each point, arrival and departure times, and more.

Key Benefits
  • Improved control of your fleet
  • Optimization of schedules
  • Generation of visit reports
  • Generation of real-time alerts

Business areas

Activities in the agricultural sector are facilitated through the use of geolocation solutions. Such a system makes it possible, for example, to map the land, and thus to avoid overlapping between passes on the plots: the mere fact of avoiding repeated passes on a plot allows a gain in performance and savings. The distribution of fertilizers and treatments are optimized, allowing a reduction in fuel consumption and the quantity of seeds or other products used, and therefore a reduction in costs. Similarly, the reduction in the time of use of the machines makes it possible to limit their wear and extend their lifespan.

Geolocation is a necessary tool in the construction industry. Indeed, construction companies incur several risks, such as construction site accidents, delivery delays or difficulties in controlling the number of hours worked. Geolocation makes it possible to analyze activity by site and by customer, by evaluating, for example, the hours of use of vehicles or site equipment, the hours spent by a driver at a customer’s site, or the differences between planning and execution of an operation. The system allows a clear improvement in performance, and is an effective support for the control and prevention of risks related to the construction sector.

Geolocation is a foolproof tool for delivery companies. The system makes it possible to delimit the delivery zones and to refer the customers in order to optimize the travel time. Likewise, it is possible to identify the drivers of each vehicle in order to measure performance through trip reports and history visualization. Theft of goods is limited by the implementation of alerts in case of suspicious or prolonged stops, in case of entry into a prohibited area or by the installation of accessories, such as on-board cameras.

Geolocation is the solution for companies operating in the mining sector. Indeed, mining sites involve many risks. Workers as well as machines and vehicles are constantly exposed to multiple risks of accidents/incidents, such as collisions, ground collapses, machine rollovers, falling loads, etc. Compliance with safety standards is essential to ensure the safety of workers and the durability of vehicles and equipment. The geolocation system makes it possible to ensure that drivers respect the standards in force, avoid dangerous driving behaviors, and that emergency situations are managed in real time, notably by setting up automatic alerts.

Geolocation is a necessary and essential tool for securing teams on mission. Indeed, monitoring live the movements of vehicles and personnel increases their safety, especially when they are in dangerous areas. It is possible to define zones in which vehicles and/or personnel must remain, or vice versa, – receive alerts when the limit of said zone is crossed. It is also possible to install SOS buttons in order to receive real time alerts in dangerous situations, which allow to react immediately.

Geolocation tools are beneficial in the context of bank financing for the acquisition of vehicles. Indeed, it sometimes happens that the organizations concerned find themselves in situations of repeated unpaid bills, or sometimes face vehicle theft. In order to ensure payments, it is possible to install a geolocation solution on the vehicles benefiting from these financings; geolocation allows the banks to follow the vehicle’s movements and, in the event of an irregular situation, to stop the vehicle remotely. Such a system ensures total peace of mind for funding organizations

Geolocation is a tool that is more than beneficial to the health sector. Indeed, health professionals are constantly dealing with emergencies. Medical emergencies require very high responsiveness and quick solutions. Thanks to geolocation, it is possible to locate available ambulances as quickly as possible, to shorten intervention times, to facilitate the transmission of information, and to optimize travel times. Equipping ambulances with such a system therefore becomes crucial. Geolocation is just as useful for pharmaceutical companies. It is now possible to check whether the rules of conduct are respected, but above all to accurately map the distribution points in order to determine whether the schedules are respected, and thus to be able to optimize the delivery schedules.

Geolocation tools are critical in the hydrocarbon transportation sector. Indeed, the transport of hazardous materials presents risks for both humans and the environment. Materials can be flammable, toxic, explosive, volatile or corrosive. Strict compliance with safety standards is therefore essential to limit the risk of accidents/incidents. Geolocation system makes it possible to monitor compliance with speed requirements according to zones, driving behavior, mandatory rest and driving times, delivery deadlines, dangerous roads, among other indicators. It thus allows to ensure the deliveries in all serenity and to reinforce the safety of the drivers and users.

Geolocation is a solution to consider for managing the transport of goods. For example, it is used to keep track of the movements and exact location of containers in warehouses. It is possible to control the entry and exit of containers, stopping times, waiting times at each cargo or delivery point, and thus optimize the activity. In another context, it is possible to follow the temperature curves of refrigerated trucks by installing temperature sensors.

Geolocation allows to secure the vehicles that transport the students, and thus – to give to the parents a certain level of serenity during the trips that their children make. Indeed, it is possible to minimize the risks of incidents/accidents thanks to the implementation of alerts in case of non-compliance with the rules of driving, guaranteeing optimal safety to the students, to have a history available in case of complaint, or to be notified if the driver exercises a dangerous driving (speeding, unplanned prolonged stops, etc…) in order to take the necessary corrective measures immediately. For parents as well as for school directors, geolocation is the solution.